23. 仪器灵敏度如何? 仪器对发光细胞检测的灵敏度与细胞发光的强度有关。在标记细胞活跃发光的情况下, 仪器可以检测到最少100个皮下接种的发光细胞。若细胞在体内位置深(如原位种植),比如内脏,最少能检测到的细胞数目需要多一些。一般每增加0.5cm可检测到的最少细胞数增加一个数量级。具体评论见BLOOD 2003 年的一篇文章: “the sensitivity of cell detection in vivo is surprisingly high and exceeds even the sensitivity of detection by flow cytometry ex vivo. As few as 7x103 cells are detectable in the lungs early after injection, 2-2.5x104 cells within liver or spleen, and as few as 1x104 tumor cells within the BM of a femur give rise to a sufficient signal to be detected externally. In other experiments using cells with even higher luciferase expression, as few as 100 cells can be reliably detected in the peritoneal cavity of living animals. BLOOD, 2003, V.101, pp640-8